Mozilla Innovation Team

Product Design

Stopping online harassment and doxxing

Project Overview

My role

As the lead designer, my responsibilities included generating initial concepts, facilitating design workshops and weekly team meetings, providing presentations to leadership, and delivering finalized assets for production.

Team: 1x Product designer (me), 1x Content designer, 1x Researcher, 1x PM, 1x Frontend developer, 1x Backend developer

Responsibilities : Product Design to Engineering Handoff

Timeline: 5 months

The Business Problem

Mozilla aimed to diversify its revenue by introducing new product lines aligned with its mission to improve the internet for everyone.

Task: Develop a new product to help victims of online harassment and doxxing

Goal: Find product market fit & get ENG funding
Success metric: X% of test participants would be somewhat or very disappointed if our product wasn’t available

Challenge: Lots of pressure and a short amount of time to do it
Q1 - establish the problem & solution; Q2 - design prototype Q3 - test & iterate

User Problem

People regularly experience severe online violence, which spills into their IRL lives, and no one is doing anything about it

Among adults, 52% reported being harassed online in their lifetime, the highest number we have seen in four years, up from 40% in 2022.

Online Hate and Harassment: The American Experience 2023, Anti-Defamation League

Competitive landscape

Lots of tools, nothing comprehensive

• DeleteMe + Mozilla Monitor only removed info from data broker sites

• Lots of tools for domestic violence, but not online violence

• Nothing removed photos or deep fakes

• Most effective tools are expensive, white-glove services

It’s nearly impossible to stop harassment online

Social media sites, search engines, and privately owned site aren’t doing enough

The Solution

Aligned with our mission to stop online harassment, and leveraging our privacy-focused browser, we decided to build this product as an add-on for Firefox desktop.

The Outcome

Found product-market fit

76% test participants said they would be somewhat or very disappointed if our product wasn’t available to them

Our team was funded!

White House reached out to us!


After developing a viable product and receiving positive feedback from our users, the project was put on hold due to internal issues at Mozilla. We hope to revive this project one day and share it with the world.


We chose to focus on one specific segment: working professionals who face targeted abuse due to their identities or the nature of their work. These individuals encounter a unique set of challenges, and by addressing their needs, we aim to develop solutions that will benefit others as well.

A political candidate faced sextortion in Rwanda 

Medical professionals harassed on social media and driven offline 

Teachers facing racist and sexist abuse

Telling the story

To help leadership grasp the challenges faced by our target demographic, we created a vision narrative for our leadership team. It was a high-level overview without much focus on solutions, but it effectively conveyed where we aimed to be. We concentrated on the emotions the users were experiencing.

Illustrations by Eduardo Feo
Illustrations by Eduardo Feo

Ideation and Workshopping

Used an 11-star framework to help inspire innovation and address real customer problems.

Identifying big bets & no-brainers 

We scoped 36 ideas on a matrix to identify the most successful in terms of:

• Customer impact

• Business impact

• Feasibility

Mapping solutions to problem statements

We also mapped our solutions to the problem statements to ensure we were addressing the correct issues, to avoid overlooking anything, and to determine our priorities.

Testing & validating 

With time being a major a constraint, our content designer proposed content-only concept testing

• 1:1 interviews with professionals who have faced severe harassment


• Find what resonates with our target persona

• Feature/directional guidance

• Feature prioritization 

We experienced a significant failure, but we gained invaluable insights from it!

Overall: People were ambivalent to downright offended. Also, they just didn’t do enough. 

New learnings

• People wanted contextual awareness of what was going on

• They spent tons of time googling themselves & capturing evidence

• They want to understand risk levels – how soon do they need to act?

• Constantly reliving the trauma of harassment

Next steps: HMW help take care of this for them?

Online footprint scrubbing 

After several meetings reviewing the data from our users, we pinpointed exactly what we wanted to build.

Prioritizing features

User Journey

Defining risk categories

User testing

91 total interviews with research participants + NGOs 

Includes initial concept testing 

7 prototypes tested over 5 months

1,790 art boards designed in Figma




Delete your home address

Delete your nude images

Delete your hurtful comments and threats